These are photos from the Dinner Kelly and I attended last weekend. This is Dr. Muhonen on stage with Kelly. He is talking about Kelly and CHOC and they are looking at the slides he had.
Now it is Kelly's turn to talk. Dr. Muhonen is chuckling as Kelly is talking about the hole he made in her head. (It is a good hole - where he resected her tumors. Twice)
After Dr. Muhonen and Kelly were done speaking the whole ballroom gave them a standing ovation.
After looking at your photos of the gala dinner I'm even more impressed! That looks like it was quite an event and you had them all giving you a standing ovation! Outstanding, Kelly! And I know it shouldn't be important, and what you said was what was so impressive, but you also look just so beautiful!! Kath, thanks for sharing the photos - you have become a blog expert!
Hope all the Laude girls have a great weekend! Hope Megan is resting that ankle! Hope it's not too itchy too!
Love you guys!
Aunt Tracy
Dear Kelly,
I loved the story and photos of you and your buddy, Dr. Muhonen. I'm so proud of you and you look so poised and relaxed. I also saw the video of you and Shannon. Very good!
Love you all!
Darla and Family Miller
Great job Kelly and Shannon, the video is awesome! Glad you had a good time. I love your dress! ;)
XOXO Karla & Family
Dear Kelly,
I wish I could have been there. Mom said you performed with poise and maturity. The pictures are wonderful and practically tell the story by themselves.
Love you!
First of all Miss Kelly...
I love that dress! How cute are you. You know the saying.. "even if they made it in my size, doesn't mean I should buy it"? That would look like wallpaper on me. lol!!
Looks like you did a great job up there. Your Dr. looked proud to have you buy his side. How great!!
Have a good weekend!
Amy... Kasey's mom
Hi Kelly,
You look BEAUTIFUL on stage with Dr. Muhonen and the photos tell that you were so comfortable and at ease up there!! You are becoming quite the public speaker since being on the news back in December, your video with Shannon, and now speaking to an entire room full of adults!! Courageous, Confident, and Cute=Kelly Laude!!
Megan, hot pink is a great color for you!! Take it easy and we're glad you won't have to run in PE for the rest of the year!
Shannon, you were so great on the video with Kelly! Congratulations on raising all the money you did for Relay for Life!
Hope you are having a nice weekend! Stay cool! Sounds like California is just as hot as Florida--fortunately for you, there is no humidity out there like we have here!
Lots of Love,
Aunt Jenny, Uncle Bob, Kylie and Ryan
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